News, pro tips, advice and insight about staying protected from vector-borne diseases.

Are you ready for some fun in the sun? A tropical vacation is a great way to escape the cold winter weather. But before you can enjoy those sunny beaches, you need to pack your bags! 

In this blog post, we will be sharing a tropical vacation packing list of essential items that you need to bring with you on your trip. From sunscreen to insect repellent, we have got you covered!

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Casey Kelley, MD, the Treasurer on the board of the International Lyme and Associated Disease Society (ILADS) and Founder of Case Integrative Health, talked ticks with Ranger Ready in honor of Lyme Disease Awareness Month. 
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My skin starts to itch at the mention of ticks or Lyme disease. Unfortunately, my family has a lot of experience with tick bites and the disease. We are from Wisconsin. Some of my family live in the Northwoods and the vast majority of the men in my family are avid outdoorsmen.  Whether it is hunting, logging, or farming, we spend thousands of hours yearly in the woods and outside. From deer ticks to wood ticks, I have encountered hundreds throughout my lifetime.

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Guest blog post written by Melissa Bachman, TV host of the Sportsman Channel's Winchester Deadly Passion and lifelong lover of hunting and fishing.

With a couple hunts already under my belt this season, I can assure you there has been one common theme throughout, bugs. This is pretty common in most early season hunts before the temps have had a chance to drop below freezing.  Not only can bugs be extremely annoying, they can break a hunt. 

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