Keep kids age-1 and over safe from ticks and mosquitos with Ranger Ready Picaridin 20% Repellent

Kid Safe Summer Essentials

keep children over age-1 protected from mosquitos with a kid safe mosquito repellent like Ranger Ready Picaridin 20% for full protection.

Feel confident with the products you purchase for your children this summer – products that keep them safe, happy, and keep you worry-free. There are a few short weeks left of summer, and it’s going to continue to stay sunny and buggy in many places around the United States for several more months. So, follow our kid safe summer essentials guide to enjoy the final days of summer with the family.

Pop Up Sun Tent

An essential for a beach day or playing in the backyard, a pop up tent provides much-needed shelter from the heat and the sun’s rays during a long day in the sun. Most pop up tents offer at least 50 SPF, which helps to prevent painful sunburns after a full day outdoors.

Stroller Mosquito Net

Mosquito nets for strollers allow optimal fresh airflow while keeping the pests out. Mosquito bites are painful and potentially dangerous for all ages, but children are especially sensitive to bug bites and susceptible to insect borne diseases. In addition to a net, keep children over age-1 protected from mosquitos with a kid safe mosquito repellent like Ranger Ready Picaridin 20% for full protection.

Sun Hat or a Brimmed Cap

Children's skin is sensitive, especially their faces. Keep them covered with a brimmed hat for extra sun protection and to keep the sun out of their eyes. Hats are also a great way to keep ticks out of hair, a stealthy hiding place for the vectors. Once you’re home for the day still take the time to diligently check for ticks and bug bites, and wounds from sun exposure that might need to be treated.

Kid Safe Bug Spray

Picaridin 20% is a CDC-recommended and EPA-approved insect repellent. It protects against both ticks and mosquitos for 12 hours and other biting insects like flies, gnats, and sand-flies for 8 hours. It’s safe for children over the age of one and to use during pregnancy and breastfeeding, so feel confident using picaridin to protect your family during the summer and all year-long.

Reusable Water Bottle

This one's for kids, parents, and the earth. Carrying a reusable water bottle that keeps your beverage cold for hours and to prevent dehydration. Whether you’re on the go for the day, going on a hike, or spending the day on the beach, be prepared and know that you’re choosing the environmentally-friendly option.