CDC Recommended Insect Repellent Renews Agreement to Keep Caddies and Golfers Protected from Mosquito, Fly and Tick Bites
The PGA Tour is on a newly scheduled four-week swing across Florida. From West Palm Beach, to Orlando, Jacksonville and Palm Harbor, golfers will be looking to avoid the notorious Florida bugs that emerge each spring. This year, the Association of Professional Tour Caddies (APTC) will be using Ranger Ready Repellent, a new, body worn repellent which provides protection from all types of mosquitos, flies, gnats and ticks.
The APTC represents 80 percent of caddies working on the professional golf tours. “Many of our regular caddies tested Ranger Ready last season,” noted Scott Sajtinac, APTC President. “Professional caddies can be a tough group to crack when it comes to switching anything we use on the golf course,” said Sajtinac, “Our caddies love Ranger Ready, which is a tall order to fill for an insect repellent.”
“Our goal was to design a long-lasting repellent that can be worn by professionals who work outside all day,” said Chris Fuentes, founder and co-inventor of Ranger Ready Repellents. “We knew if pro caddies proactively wanted to wear Ranger Ready to work on the golf course, then we had accomplished our mission and decided to expand our agreement with the APTC”.
APTC caddie, Taylor Ford wears Ranger Ready to work daily as he carries a bag on the PGA Tour more than thirty weeks a year. “We have to wear sunscreen and repellent to work”, said Ford, now in his fourth year as a professional caddie. “I put Ranger Ready on in the locker room and I’m able to forget about mosquitos, flies and ticks for the entire day and focus on what really matters out on the course, the game of golf.”
Ranger Ready Repellents’ multi-year partnership as Official Supplier to the APTC is a first in the industry.