Consumer Reports has given Picaridin pump spray high marks in repelling ticks and mosquitos. Consumer Reports determined Picaridin spray with a 20% Picaridin concentration to be among the most effective insect repellents and safe on adults (including pregnant women) and children over one year old. Consumer Reports also warned consumers (i) to be wary of “natural” repellents because they do not work well and are not EPA-registered, (ii) that Picaridin 20% pump spray (Ranger Ready Repellent is a Picaridin 20% pump spray) works much better than its lotion formulation, and (iii) not to use combination sunscreen-insect repellent products because sunscreen should be reapplied every two hours, which could overexpose the user to the active ingredient in the repellents.
The World Health organization (WHO) recommends Picaridin (Icaridin) as a product of choice for malaria prevention after finding that Picaridin demonstrates excellent repellent properties comparable to, and often superior to, those of the standard Deet and with significantly longer protection times than Deet. The WHO recommends Picaridin as a safe and effective insect repellent for human use. |