Who are the Partners?
The PiC20 Group, LLC d/b/a Ranger Ready Repellents®, a Connecticut limited liability corporation with its principal place of business at 155 Woodward Avenue, DC3, Norwalk, CT 06854 (“Ranger Ready”) and the Global Lyme Alliance, a Connecticut 501(c) (3) non-profit with its principal place of business at 1290 E. Main Street, 3rd Floor, Stamford, CT 06902 (“GLA”).
If you have questions or comments, please contact: admin@rangerready.com and/or marketing@GLA.org.
Mission and Goal
Ranger Ready and GLA share a common goal to reduce the rapid increase in the number of new cases of tick-borne diseases that have impacted families across the United States. Ranger Ready and GLA have partnered to expand Be Tick AWARE, an educational program intended to help prevent future cases of tick-borne disease. For more information about Be Tick Aware go to: https://globallymealliance.org/education-awareness/be-tick-aware/
Description: Get Ranger Ready and We’ll Give 15% to GLA
The fundraiser entitled, “Get Ranger Ready and We’ll Give 15% to GLA” is a specific and defined event whereby Ranger Ready has pledged, in a writing, to donate 15.0% of its Net Revenues from consumer transactions from RangerReady.com and other venues where Ranger Ready sells directly to consumers. Net Revenues are defined as gross revenues, less discounts, allowances and credit card fees, if any. The promotional period begins May 1 and ends 31 May 2019. Ranger Ready has pledged to give a minimum of $25,000 or the greater of the sum of the above to GLA no later than July 30, 2019.
Summary of Donation
Ranger Ready Repellents presented a $25,000 check to the Global Lyme Alliance (GLA) on Friday, August 2, 2019. Senator Bob Duff, Connecticut Senate Majority Leader, joined Ranger Ready in presenting the check.